NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course


POB 911

Norwalk, CT  06852-0911


Phone: 203-340-4911



POB 379151

Key Largo, FL  33037-9151

Unlike the other basic courses, the Personal Protection in the Home course covers defensive shooting. Self-defense is a topic somewhat distinct from the regular diet of shooting fundamentals.  It can cover mindset, legal issues, decision-making under pressure, and planning for the worst. The Basic Personal Protection in the Home course is designed around the use of the defensive pistol.

Although the course can be completed as quickly as eight hours, the amount of information presented, and the probability of intensive question and answer sessions on the included topics, makes it likely that the course will take longer.

Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection in the Home handbook and intensive lessons on basics of defensive shooting, issues of self-defense, and other strategies for protecting the home and family.

Course Goal

“To develop in the students the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding citizen's right to self-defense.”


1. Introduction to Defensive Shooting

2. Basic Defensive Handgun Skills

3. Firearms and the Law: Possession, Ownership, and the Use of Deadly Force

4. Strategies for Home Safety and Responding to a Violent Confrontation

5. Selecting a Handgun for Personal Defense

6. Sport Shooting Activities and Training Opportunities



Participants in the Personal Protection course should be experienced shooters, showing mastery of the basic skills of safe gun handling. If necessary, this course will put participants through a pre-course evaluation exercise, where potential students are asked to demonstrate safe gun handling, shoot a series of five-shot groups, discuss the operations necessary to zero a pistol, and demonstrate how to properly clean a handgun.

Participants are expected to show validation of shooting experience by showing an NRA Basic Pistol Course certificate, a Pistol qualification card, a DD 214 card with pistol qualification, or a  Carry Permit.

Finally, the Personal Protection course is intended for mature law-abiding adults, who have the mindset and seriousness necessary to properly perform the activities in the course. Self-defense is not a topic that lends itself to horseplay and distractions.

Course Completion

Students will be given feedback on their shooting exercises, and a certificate upon successful completion of the course.  Not only are shooting standards fired during the practical exercises, but a written exam will be given at the end of the course. Throughout the course the instructor will use a individual checklist for each student to ensure the coverage of course material, and satisfactory absorption of the material being taught.


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IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Emergency Response Training Center

offers only genuine NRA firearms training courses!

Beware of others who offer plagiarized courses that are NOT sanctioned by the NRA!